40 Years Of Fascinating WWE WrestleMania Facts (Part 3)
1. WrestleMania XXX - The Ultimate False Dawn

When WrestleMania XXX concluded, it was easy to believe that WWE had finally embarked on a bold and much necessary new direction.
The Shield squashed three Attitude Era dinosaurs in under three minutes. Cesaro won the inaugural André the Giant Memorial Battle Royal when you thought WWE believed in both the performer and the stip. The Undertaker, and this was key, actually lost at WrestleMania to Brock Lesnar. The stages of grief that WWE perfectly orchestrated in the aftermath inspired as much negative emotion as the Daniel Bryan double-header sparked wild scenes of jubilation.
WWE had pissed its vocal hardcore fans off one too many times. WrestleMania XXX was a show of contrition. New stars were made, old souls were buried.
Except it wasn't. It was a one-night exercise in preventing a PR disaster of a full-scale main event exodus.
Cesaro's push was quickly abandoned. Brock Lesnar amplified the worst characteristics of the part-timers. And Daniel Bryan was not made as "the guy". He won the belts, yes, but he wasn't the guy: he was told by Vince McMahon the week of WrestleMania XXX that Roman Reigns was his pick to be the next John Cena.
At least let him enjoy it for a day, FFS.