42 WTF Moments From WWE Survivor Series 2015

36. That Insane Tyler Breeze & Summer Rae Segment

Easily the night's best interview segment saw Tom Philips interviewing Tyler Breeze and Summer Rae on the kick-off show. Tom tries to talk to them but at first they're pre-occupied with looking at themselves on their phone (which is attached to a selfie-stick, because of course), and they then insult his line of questioning. When a fan asks Tyler if he's jealous that Dolph Ziggler has a nicer jawline, Tyler simply gives the very Zoolander-esque response, "What I'm gonna do, instead of answering your question, I'm just gonna continue living my life and then I'll be fine with that." A fan then asks for a tip for the perfect selfie, which Breeze calls a "perfect uggo question", before going on to say that they don't need filters for their selfies (unlike Tom Phillips), after which Summer says "Hashtag no filter...lolz", and Breeze follows up with "ROFL". Breeze ends the segment by noting how relevant he and Summer are and that, "if you don't believe us, you should just hope on your computer and 'googs'. That's an 'abreev', Tom." Never change, Tyler, never change.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.