44 WTF Moments From WWE TLC 2015

27. That Star Wars-Style Chair Duel

A "chairs match" may be one of the dumbest match stipulations of all time, but it did at least lead to this amusing chair duel which, for any Star Wars fan watching, is practically impossible not to compare to a lightsaber duel, especially with The Force Awakens just days away from release at the time of this show. It is pretty stupid, though, when Swagger knocks Del Rio's chair out of his hands, but rather than keep wailing away on him with his own chair, decides to drop his own in order to keep things fair...or something? Either way, the moment resulted in this awesome looping GIF, and it's probably just hours before someone Photoshops lightsabers into this chair fight.

26. There's A Cheese Grater Under The Ring

After Jack Swagger puts Del Rio in a chair-enhanced Patriot Lock, Del Rio manages to escape to the outside by grabbing on the ring apron for leverage. As he falls outside, keen-eyed viewers may have noticed a cheese grater visible under the ring for a brief moment. Of all the weird things the WWE have kept under the ring (a pack of Gatorade, for one, Hornswoggle for another), this just might be the weirdest.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.