44 WTF Moments From WWE TLC 2015

25. CM Punk Chants Are Back

As the crowd began to get bored during the Swagger-ADR match, they started to chant "CM Punk!", something WWE officials probably thought fans had gotten out of their system a while ago, considering how rarely it's heard these days. But nope, they're still as supportive of the departed star as ever, and always praying that he might make a surprise return...even in a match as terrible as this.

24. Bray Wyatt's Horn Hood

Bray Wyatt is all about the creepy eccentricity, but here's something that just didn't work at all. He came to the ring wearing a new hood complete with two limp-looking horns attached: it looked stupid and invited a ton of Viagra-related jokes on social media. As if Bray hasn't already fallen far enough since his peak, this is just sad, and he deserves so much better.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.