44 WTF Moments From WWE TLC 2015

41. Team B.A.D. Sings A (Bad) Christmas Carol

The pre-show got a horrendously cringe-worthy moment in early, as before the Sasha-Becky match started, Team B.A.D. took it upon themselves to serenade the crowd with their own terrible Christmas carol. It goes on for far too long, Tamina and Naomi can't sing, and the crowd start booing them until Becky's theme finally hits and cuts them off. You have to feel for Sasha: she really doesn't need these two, and they're quite clearly holding her back. You can practically see the "and my soul is dying..." look on Sasha's face as she's forced to participate in this nonsense. Plus, does Vince just assume that a female version of The New Day is what fans want?

40. That Awful Finish

A fairly solid Banks-Lynch match comes to a wildly disappointing end when Tamina distracts the referee, allowing Naomi to get up on the apron and kick Becky in the head, after which Sasha applies the Bank Statement and Becky is forced to tap out. It's an irritating finish because Sasha shouldn't need to cheat to win: yes, she's a heel, but she's also extremely talented and to make her resort to lazy heel tactics like this just devalues her skill set. Again, she's being dragged down by those she's being forced to team up with. Plus, that referee must've been asleep or something, because it took like 10 seconds of Becky tapping before he actually decided to ring the bell.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.