44 WTF Moments From WWE TLC 2015

39. Alberto Del Rio Is Racist & Says "Pro Wrestling"

Alberto Del Rio appears backstage with Tom Phillips for an #AskADR segment, and says, "In every single department, I'm better than Jack Swagger. I'm Mexican, just because of that, just because I'm Mexican and he's American." Man, that's pretty damn racist, right? In addition, when Tom asked him why he came back to the WWE, he said, "This is the major leagues of pro wrestling", a statement which no doubt infuriated Vince McMahon, considering how much he hates the word "wrestling" being used on TV. Expect ADR to be punished for it somehow in the near-future.

38. The Show Is Sponsored By...Kay's Jewelers?

Having a WWE show be sponsored by Toys 'R Us is one thing, but at least the WWE have action figures. Why on Earth a jewellery company would want to be associated with wrestling, aside from the fact they both conduct their business in rings, is anyone's guess. It's a very strange fit for a wrestling show, and in addition, they also have the worst promotional slogan since Mountain Dew Kickstart's "it all starts with a kick". "Every kiss begins with Kay". Some intern cranked that genius zinger out over lunch, no doubt.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.