44 WTF Moments From WWE TLC 2015

35. The Usos Don't Climb The Ladder When The Ring Is Empty

The inherent suspension of disbelief required to be a wrestling fan is completely thrown out the window when the Lucha Dragons take out the New Day on the outside of the ring...leaving the Usos alone in the ring with a ladder perfectly set-up beneath the Tag Titles. But rather than do the sensible thing and just climb their way to victory, they pick up the ladder and smash it into the Lucha Dragons. It was so dumb the commentators couldn't even find a way to cover for it, with JBL instead chewing them out for throwing a perfectly good victory away.

34. Xavier Woods Compares Real Wrestling To WWE 2K16

As the Lucha Dragons beat the snot out of the Usos and the New Day recover outside the ring, Xavier Woods, who is also on commentary, says "My team is not resting, they're healing. If you play WWE 2K16 you know you have to get your stamina back before you get in the ring and climb the ladder to get the titles." An incredulous Michael Cole then replies, "That's a video game! This is the real thing", and Woods replies, "It's the most realistic video game ever!", to which Cole agrees. Let's face it: Xavier is a more natural and convincing company shill than Cole could ever be, and extra points for Cole almost sounding like he was criticising WWE 2K16 and having to backpedal seconds later. If Xavier could become a permanent commentator, that'd be great...

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.