5 Best Opponents For The Rock's WrestleMania 35 Return

4. Triple H

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Or, maybe WWE would rather cash in on a match they've been teasing since way, way back at WrestleMania 31 in 2015.

Triple H was one of The Rock's best opponents during the peak years of his career (1998-2000), and both men would surely be motivated to smash this one if handed the chance at MetLife next April. This, perhaps more than Triple H's match against The Undertaker at 'Mania XXVIII, would be the "End Of An Era", certainly for this pair's long-standing rivalry.

WWE can only squeeze one more match out of this series before closing the book on things permanently. It's worth thinking about; the story, one revolving around Rocky's hatred of how Triple H is still running roughshod over the company a full 19 years after forming the McMahon-Helmsley Regime, would write itself for the most part.

Meanwhile, "The Game" would be keen to send an old foe packing back to Hollywood, and Stephanie McMahon's annual 'Mania bump quota would be fulfilled by interfering to take a Rock Bottom. This has marquee classic written all over it, and that's true even if the match itself isn't one Meltzer will generously throw stars at on the night.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.