5 Best WWE Returns Of 2020 (So Far)

4. Kane - SmackDown (17 January 2020)

WWE Elimination Chamber The Undertaker AJ Styles

Few people in WWE know how to make a return quite like the 'Big Red Machine' and, 23 years after his arrival in the company, Kane is still making his presence felt.

His return earlier this year wasn't one of his all-time greatest, but it was a refreshing change of pace that allowed him to get revenge on 'The Fiend' for souring his previous return while furthering the latter's feud with Daniel Bryan - and it's always a win when we get a Team Hell No reunion!

What was also nice about this one was the loud response that the 'Devil's Favourite Demon' received, as the audience came to life for him when the pyros went off and even showered him with their affection during his Royal Rumble promo.

A perfect example of how Kane should be used in 2020, his return capitalised on nostalgia to actually help the current program. It was short, yes, but it was also very, very sweet.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.