5 Biggest Losers From WWE Extreme Rules 2019

2. Dolph Ziggler

Becky Lynch Seth Rollins

Kevin Owens destroying Dolph Ziggler in 17 seconds may be viewed as a positive result by many fans, but it’s not a good look for Dolph.

Audiences have grown tired of The Showoff, to the point where his presence in story-lines makes them less interesting. Dolph has suffered from the law of diminishing returns, exemplified by his 4-month hiatus earlier this year. He came back as The #Heel no one really wanted to see and was shoehorned into a couple of predictable WWE Championship matches with Kofi Kingston. Now he's become fodder for a Kevin Owens on the rise.

While the contest at Extreme Rules was not hotly anticipated, a strong match could have reminded fans of how good Ziggler can be in the ring. After all, his epic clash with The Miz at No Mercy 2016 was not that long ago. Being squashed however does nothing for him. The match might have provided short-term satisfaction for fans but Ziggler will continue to be on the roster, only now, people will care even less.


Really wants to talk about terrible comedies and pro wrestling.