5 Candidates We Hope Buy TNA From The Carter Family

4. Eric Bischoff

Time to get a little more realistic. There are two companies and two men rumoured to be interested in purchasing TNA, and Eric Bischoff is one of those men. I know that this is going to get under the skin of a lot of TNA fans because they feel that Bischoff has had a part in putting the company in the trouble it's in right now. I personally blame Hulk Hogan but that's a different story for a different article. Let's be honest, Bischoff may mess a lot of things up but he knows how to get people watching and he knows how to get the attention that TNA needs right now. He may not know wrestling like Jim Cornette or Paul Heyman, but he knows how to do business.

Martin Foxx is a longtime WWE and video game fanatic. At college he studies Creative Writing and has a history of writing for other sites such as Bleacher Report.