5 Candidates We Hope Buy TNA From The Carter Family

3. Jeff Jarrett

Jeff Jarrett TNA I previously mentioned that two men were interested in purchasing TNA. One being Eric Bischoff and the other being none other than Jeff Jarrett. Jeff Jarett and his father are the two men who are responsible for TNA's existence. In a way, if Jeff Jarrett were to purchase TNA, it would be somewhat of a homecoming for him. I remember hearing most about TNA from around 2004. Back then, I believe it had a roster worthy of one day competing with Vince McMahon's WWE. Jarrett was smart, he wasn't as egotistical as most would think. He would put the young talent over and make them look good. To borrow a line from Triple H, as far as TNA and Jeff Jarrett went, Jarrett was best for business. If Jarrett decides to purchase TNA, I believe he can make it work and put it back on the map.

Martin Foxx is a longtime WWE and video game fanatic. At college he studies Creative Writing and has a history of writing for other sites such as Bleacher Report.