5 Celebrities You Didn't Know Were Wrestling Fans

3. Jack Whitehall

Popular comedian Jack Whitehall has been on one hell of a role. His stand-up is hilarious, he is great on €œFresh Meat€, and he absolutely kills it every week on €œBad Education.€ Not only is he the star of €œBad Education€ but he is also a writer for the show. A quite impressive feat to not only write a show that€™s so funny, but also bring the laughs as one of the actors. If anyone can bring his character to life, it would be him. Whitehall is also a HUGE wrestling fan. He has spoken several times about his love of wrestling. TNA even made a deal to announce that Whitehall was in attendance for their shows in England. Whitehall has also said that his favorite actor is former wrestler Dwayne €œThe Rock€ Johnson. Whitehall took to Twitter this year to show his sadness at the passing of Ultimate Warrior too. And he has even included his love of wrestling into his show €œBad Education€, including playing The Undertaker€™s entrance theme and having Fraser wear a shirt that parodies Brock Lesnar€™s €œEat, Sleep, Conquer, Repeat.€

Katy Chef has been a lifelong wrestling fan. Chef has written for previous wrestling websites such as a TNA News website and Ringsidenews.com