5 Future WWE Tournament Ideas That Must Be Considered

1. The Round Robin

new day rocks
New Japan Pro Wrestling

WWE have always found themselves leaning more towards the 'entertainment' in 'sports entertainment', but there are plenty of promotions around the world who lean more towards 'sports.' The most successful is New Japan, who pack their calendar with sports-like tournaments where WWE rely on gimmick PPVs.

Many would argue that NJPW are now producing the better wrestling, and that mostly comes down to stripping away the frills and getting down to the action. Round Robins like the G1 and Best of the Super Juniors are wall-to-wall, in-ring action, and fans eat it up.

WWE ought to give the round robin a try: selecting their finest talent and having each competitor clash with every other, racking up points on a leaderboard. Tournaments of that style shine a light on overlooked competitors who may not end up winning, but get a chance to have meaningful singles matches.

WWE don't need to take the time to organise a tournament of this size, but they still should. They attract the best talent from all over the world, and those wrestlers shouldn't have to wait for a storyline in order to be wrestling on TV. A round robin, with a World Championship opportunity for the winner, is the perfect way for WWE to get their 'sports' back.

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University of Edinburgh student, freelance writer and all-round banter merchant.