5 Future WWE Tournament Ideas That Must Be Considered

2. Fight Your Way Out Of NXT

new day rocks

NXT is a bizarre entity. On the one hand it is designed to cultivate new, homegrown talent. On the other, it is a waiting room for indie megastars to get their call to Raw or SmackDown. As a result of this unclear status, NXT competitors can linger in this purgatory long after they are fully developed. Some even pass their prime while waiting for a call-up that doesn't always come.

The only surefire ticket out of Full Sail is the NXT Championship. That ticket is also the most secure, as those who made it out without a title reign, such as Apollo Crews or Tyler Breeze, often face their fair share of struggles.

WWE would be smart to open up another avenue between NXT and the main roster. A tournament involving NXT superstars for a place on the main roster could provide another way to promote a developmental guy with legitimate momentum.

The emotion behind the competitors struggles will be all too real, giving a real-life dimension to the tournament. Striving for that main roster debut is what all NXT wrestlers do, so why not bring that drama to the forefront with a tournament?

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University of Edinburgh student, freelance writer and all-round banter merchant.