5 Positives & 5 Negatives From WWE Royal Rumble 2016

3. Triple H Winning

It's hard to imagine that in 2016, Triple H winning the Royal Rumble and with it, his 14th World Championship didn't elicit a crapfest reaction like the last two Royal Rumbles did. With WWE wanting to showcase the biggest WrestleMania of all time, it also shouldn't be that surprising to see a McMahon in the main event. With that being said, it was the right call given the limited number of options. Triple H and the Authority have been the company's top heel for the better part of the past 3 years. We haven't seen Triple H lace up the boots since his victory over Sting and the crowd, despite many fans knowing it was coming, still popped for The Game. In addition to the obligatory entrance pop, the crowd was still rooting for him several minutes into the match. Though the company was smart to position the pendulum to swing back towards the other direction by having Ambrose, not Reigns, as the final participant with HHH. The most controversial aspect of H winning the Rumble is his role in the main event of WrestleMania, assumed to be vs. Roman, as it will once again be giving a spot, and a massive pay day, to a part-timer (at least when it comes to in-ring work) and a McMahon. But with all the injuries that have been sustained the past few months to stop stars like Seth Rollins, John Cena, Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan, it really limited the options for what WWE can book for a WrestleMania main event and get away with. Compared to the endings of the last two Royal Rumbles, this choice was one that fans accepted and, for that, was a good call.

A former stuntman for Paramount Pictures, Matt enjoys sports, water skiing, driving fast, the beach, professional wrestling, technology, and scotch. At the same time, whenever possible. Having attended many famous (and infamous) shows including WrestleMania XV, In Your House: Mind Games, and the 1995 King of the Ring, Matt has been a lifelong professional sports and wrestling fan. Matt's been mentioned in numerous wrestling podcasts including the Steve Austin Show: Unleashed, Talk Is Jericho, and Something To Wrestle With Bruce Prichard. As a former countywide performer, Matt has been referred to as Mr. 300 for his amazing accomplishments in the world of amateur bowling. He is also the only man on record to have pitched back-to-back no hitters in the Veterans Stadium Wiffle Ball League of 2003.