5 Positives & 5 Negatives From WWE Royal Rumble 2016

4. Booking Heat

One of the things that has been missing in WWE's booking lately has been the element of heat. It's been relatively non-existent, but the company brought it back in the 2016 Royal Rumble Match. First, we saw the League of Nations gain an unfair advantage over Roman Reigns by taking him through the ropes, to the outside where Sheamus, Del Rio, and an already-eliminated Rusev took turns delivering multiple kicks to his head. Soon after, Mr. McMahon appeared and the trio then left Reigns laying, nearly needing a stretcher, after a running Rusev splash through the announce table. Later on in the same match, the Wyatt family, after every member but Bray had been eliminated by Brock Lesnar, cheated and attacked Lesnar despite 3/4 of the Wyatt Family being already eliminated. Brock weathered the storm at first but their strength in numbers eventually overpowered the Beast and together the Wyatt Family dumped one of the biggest fan-favorites over the top rope and onto the arena floor, eliminating Lesnar from the Rumble. Both spots were meant to build heat on the villainous groups of the League Of Nations and the Wyatt Family, respectively. While the former was relatively effective, the latter was no doubt a success as the Orlando crowd was very upset when Lesnar was eliminated. It also prevented Bray Wyatt from getting cheered in spots later on during the conclusion of the Rumble Match. Will the heat last? Will WWE continue to build heat as we move closer to WrestleMania? Who knows, but it was nice to see it return at the Rumble and it's mind-boggling that this basic, fundamental element of professional wrestling has been missing for so long.

A former stuntman for Paramount Pictures, Matt enjoys sports, water skiing, driving fast, the beach, professional wrestling, technology, and scotch. At the same time, whenever possible. Having attended many famous (and infamous) shows including WrestleMania XV, In Your House: Mind Games, and the 1995 King of the Ring, Matt has been a lifelong professional sports and wrestling fan. Matt's been mentioned in numerous wrestling podcasts including the Steve Austin Show: Unleashed, Talk Is Jericho, and Something To Wrestle With Bruce Prichard. As a former countywide performer, Matt has been referred to as Mr. 300 for his amazing accomplishments in the world of amateur bowling. He is also the only man on record to have pitched back-to-back no hitters in the Veterans Stadium Wiffle Ball League of 2003.