5 Potential Ironmen For WWE Royal Rumble 2021
The Road To WrestleMania might have a little less traffic this year, but it'll be just as exciting.

It's almost time! The most interesting and exciting event on WWE's calendar is weeks away, and although it will be the first Royal Rumble not to feature fans, the men's Rumble could feature a larger array of potential winners than we've seen in years.
Royal Rumbles aren't all about the winners, though, as feuds can be started and continued and alliances formed and crumbled within the arena of the Rumble match. The Rumble also gives WWE a chance to let certain competitors shine as the Ironman of the night.
Sticking around for the bulk of the bout's duration, the Ironman's role is traditionally given to either ring generals, who ensure the match stays on course, or a rising star who isn't ready to win yet, but can elicit that building feeling of thrill from a fanbase willing them to succeed. Often, more than one participant will be selected to go half an hour and longer, giving them centre stage as both a performer the fans can get behind and someone that those sitting backstage can rely on going forwards.
5. John Morrison

So The Miz has the briefcase back, for one of two reasons. Either WWE wants to have him make history by failing twice with the same briefcase (an insult to the brilliant work he's been doing for the last few years), or they are going to pull the trigger and put the belt on Miz once more, over a decade after his first world title victory.
Either option leaves the door open for the breakup of Miz and Morrison, and just maybe, a WWE title reign for JoMo. Morrison was the prototype Kofi Kingston when it came to Rumble spots; he can put in a similar performance to WrestleMania 36 that gets the (virtual) fans on their feet despite his heelish tendencies.
A near-babyface showing would be planting a little nugget in our heads, making Miz' cash-in more of a possibility with the option of a feud for the belt with his best bud, while teasing that breakdown in relations that we all know has to come at some point. Some might say Morrison has missed the boat when it comes to WWE world championships but he's putting on some of the most entertaining performances in the company right now, and would still be a feel-good first-time champ.