5 Reasons Lesnar vs Cena At Night Of Champions Was WWE Match Of The Year

1. It Was As Much Of A "Mixed Martial Arts" Match As You'll Get In WWE In 2014

Lesnar versus Cena works because both grapplers stay well within their styles of combat making the contests true competitions as much between combat concepts as between the fighters themselves. The idea that styles make fights works here, as Lesnar's MMA versus Cena's pro wrestling creates a visually intriguing watch that is highly entertaining. Cena's pro wrestling doesn't exactly work versus Lesnar's strike and submission-based traditional MMA strategy. Cena's pro wrestling is more based around quick striking impact maneuvers (the idea that he's merely one Attitude Adjustment or STF application away from winning is proof of this) which in a pro wrestler versus pro wrestler world makes sense, but feels less-than-effective when Lesnar is involved. In literally mixing fighting styles so convincingly, Lesnar and Cena yet again created magic on Sunday evening, and likely had WWE's most compelling match of 2014 to-date.

Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.