5 Reasons WWE Should Sign Samoa Joe (And 4 Reasons They Shouldn't)

5 Reasons Why WWE Should Sign Samoa Joe...

5. Being Free Of TNA Will Motivate Him

People in TNA can say all they want about how they like being here, but let's be honest it's not that glamorous. When they had their tapings in New York City in January they could barely get 300 people in the building in the biggest city in the country. The tapings they do in Orlando are in front of a bunch of tourists that happen to be in the area. They get in there for free. There are no more TNA live events. It's basically become a television show that tapes about once per month and there are no plans to be anything more than that. Wrestlers don't get in the business to perform in front of 300 fans. They want to work in larger buildings all over the world in front of loud fans. It appeared as though there were times in the last few years where Joe looked unmotivated. He just didn't look as crisp as he did in his earlier TNA days because that environment isn't that encouraging. Instead of being a constant main eventer, he was stuck in the midcard. It was frustrating to watch. There's a very good chance that if he is offered a shot in WWE that he would show up in the best shape of his life, work as hard as he possibly can to succeed and turn out to be a guy that they can elevate to main event status within a year or two. In TNA there's nothing for him to do that's new. Wrestlers dream of performing at a WrestleMania, not at TNA shows. Now that his TNA days are over, he can go after that WrestleMania dream.
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TNA Samoa Joe
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.