5 Recent Major Injuries That Prove WWE Should Protect Their Stars Better

4. Naomi's Severe Orbital Bone Injury At The Hands Of Aksana

WWE.comWWE.comFor years, WWE's Women's/Divas Division has had a love/hate relationship with presenting all women in the company as credible in-ring combatants. At present, WWE's Divas Division is erring more on the side of pure wrestling, especially after the release of Lithuanian-born wrestler Aksana. One of the key reasons for her release - a particularly poorly executed kneedrop that fractured the orbital bone of Naomi (as she was well on the way to likely winning the Divas Championship at Wrestlemania) - is the reason for this issue being raised on this list. It's 2014. Between independent promotions Shimmer and Shine, as well as the groundbreaking work of WWE women's wrestlers like Lita, Victoria, Molly Holly, Trish Stratus, Mickie James and more, the bar by which in-ring wrestling is measured has been raised considerably. Thus, when Naoimi (who is slowly developing into someone with the right mental and physical composition to be the ace of the women's division, faces Aksana (who is well, considerably less than the ace of the division, and well, possibly less gifted than many of the divas in developmental, it's a recipe for a disaster that occurred. twittertwitterFinding a baseline for in-ring talent in the women's division (and throughout the company) is an important step in ensuring that needless injuries like these need not occur.
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Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.