5 Stars Who Should Be Thrilled Triple H Is In Charge Of WWE (And 5 Who Should Be Worried)

1. Thrilled - Ciampa

Triple H Tommaso Ciampa

Should we already start calling him Tommaso Ciampa again?

Triple H built YEARS of NXT storylines around Ciampa, whether it was as a psychotic heel or a fighting babyface. Apart from his lengthy spell out injured, Ciampa was heavily involved in almost every TakeOver and was seen as the figurehead for one of the greatest periods in NXT's history.

He felt like a star. He was a star.

That was very quickly extinguished once Vince McMahon pulled him onto Monday Night Raw and had him be the third man in his own debut segment. There was no coming back from that for Ciampa, who has since been lumbered as The Miz’s goon which has made him feel like background noise from the get-go.

That will change. There is no doubt about that. Considering the years Triple H put into making Ciampa one of the most popular wrestlers in NXT, it would be unfathomable that he wouldn’t want that to translate on the main roster. Also, it will put yet another black mark against Vince’s name for failing with the WWE creative, which he had done for so long.

Expect a quick nixing of his act with The Miz and for the 'Psycho Killer' to return to our programming soon.

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Triple H
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A wrestling fan for over two decades, a proud father of an awesome little girl. Am also an international best selling independent author of mindless action novels!