5 Stars Who Should Be Thrilled Triple H Is In Charge Of WWE (And 5 Who Should Be Worried)

2. Worried - Mustafa Ali

Triple H Tommaso Ciampa

Is there a bigger waste of talent in WWE right now than Mustafa Ali?

It’s not like the higher-ups didn’t see the potential. Kofi-Mania only existed because of an ill-timed injury that Ali suffered, which ruled him out of the Elimination Chamber that birthed that movement. Up to that point, the former Heart of the Cruiserweight Division was pencilled in to challenge ‘The New’ Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania 35.

Yes, it worked out well in the end. For us and Kofi. Not for Ali.

Unable to recover the momentum he had built, the once rising star was given the death knell of being the leader of RETRIBUTION, possibly the most ineffective stable in WWE history. This all led to Ali publicly asking for his release and making his feelings about the company known.

We should applaud him for seeing his own worth and for backing himself, but doing it publicly did him harm. And it’s unlikely Triple H would have approved.

The only Main Event that Ali will see, is the show that he currently occupies.

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A wrestling fan for over two decades, a proud father of an awesome little girl. Am also an international best selling independent author of mindless action novels!