5 Stars Who Should Be Thrilled Triple H Is In Charge Of WWE (And 5 Who Should Be Worried)

4. Worried - Theory

Triple H Tommaso Ciampa

Look, there is a talent in Theory. The man is so early on in his development, that he should be recognised as someone who has done well with the tremendous amount of attention he has received.

But he is a Vince McMahon pet project.

In NXT, Theory was a goofy henchman and never considered a threat to the top tier. Triple H kept him on screen, but in a role that was relative to his experience with the chance to develop and evolve as he got his reps in. As the man who brought Theory into NXT, The Game obviously sees the future potential in Theory and has spoken previously about helping bring Mr A-Town Down on as a star.

But as of right now, he is still a big Vince McMahon pet project.

A big statement of intent from Levesque would be to reign in Theory’s push, which means we are probably going to see Theory moved back down to the mid-card, where he can keep working solid matches and build the momentum the right way.

This likely means a failed cash-in, which, to be honest, is probably the preferable outcome at the moment as Theory is nowhere near ready for the top belt. Triple H holds that strap in high regard, and it’s doubtful he holds Theory to the same this early in his career.

It will be interesting to see how this one plays out.

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A wrestling fan for over two decades, a proud father of an awesome little girl. Am also an international best selling independent author of mindless action novels!