5 Stupid WWE Title Changes WWE Must Totally Regret

1. Rey Mysterio (2011)

Rey Mysterio Wwe Title

As Money In The Bank 2011 went off the air, fans were brimming with excitement over the fact CM Punk had just beaten John Cena for the WWE Title and kissed his employer goodbye. Suddenly, WWE didn't have a recognisable champ, and that just wouldn't do.

Around one week later, Rey Mysterio bagged an interim reign as champion, then dropped it to Cena on the very same episode. Huh?

In storyline, Cena was entitled to his championship rematch, so Triple H's assertion he get one did make sense. Rey's involvement was silly though, and it was absolutely unnecessary to include him in an already convoluted angle that should have revolved more around CM Punk doing a runner than crowning a makeweight champ.

WWE spoiled their own storyline with this move. It would've been better to sit tight, have Cena bitch and moan about Punk's departure, then book a rematch between those men. That happened at SummerSlam anyway, so Mysterio's painfully short reign in July was totally meaningless.

What other WWE Title changes do you think WWE must regret? Let us know down in the comments section below!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.