5 Stupid WWE Title Changes WWE Must Totally Regret

2. Vince McMahon (1999)

Vince McMahon WWE Title

It's somewhat ridiculous to say that one of WWE's greatest heels is also one of the worst WWE Champions ever. As Steve Austin's heel foil, Vince McMahon proved his chops as a promo master who could manipulate live crowds like few before him. He even managed to have some of the era's most exciting brawls despite never being a full-time wrestler.

McMahon's sorry scrap with Triple H on the 16 September 1999 episode of SmackDown was not one of them.

Granted, it did provide the new show with a cliffhanger moment, and it likely had people itching to see what might happen on the following week's Raw. Spoiler alert: 'Vinnie Mac' vacated the title and Triple H won it back at Unforgiven in a Six-Pack Challenge Vince wasn't directly involved in.

This title change is lamentable for more reasons than the rapid vacation. WCW would later be (perhaps rightly) ridiculed for putting the title on actor David Arquette and non-wrestler Vince Russo. The problem is, they were only following WWE's shock TV example.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.