5 Things About WCW/ECW Invasion That Ruled (And 5 That Sucked)

3. The Simulcast

The Invasion storyline got off to a great start. Vince McMahon opened the March 26th 2001 Raw by announcing to the world that he had bought WCW and 'owned his own competition'. It was a bold opening to the show. Vince also promised that there would be a live simulcast later in the show, before firing the blackballed Jeff Jarrett live on air. Just after the hour mark (and after some half-hearted build for WrestleMania X-7, which was taking place in six days time), Vince came out and again bragged about how he had bought WCW and how Time Warner had 'begged' him to put the purchase the company before saying that he would sign the contract at WrestleMania when Ted Turner personally hands it to him. Vince went on and on about his victory (as fans began noticeably losing patience and chanting 'boring') and gauging the audience reaction to WCW stars before cutting to WCW Nitro, which was also going out live, with Shane McMahon in the WCW ring. While there Shane informed Vince that the contract read 'McMahon' but that it was Shane, not Vince, who now owned WCW. It was a great segment that not only got people excited about the future of WCW but also about the Vince/Shane street fight at WrestleMania. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rUiBq7uiP0

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...