5 Things To Watch On WWE Network This Week

4. The Hart Foundation Vs. The Rockers

The Hart Foundation Rockers
WWE Network

To find this little gem, head to the Vault section, hit up Saturday Night's Main Event and head to the 28 April 1990 taping. At SNME XXVI, The Hart Foundation and The Rockers had one of the best tag-team matches of the era, and it's one that may have eluded even older fans.

There's never been a better time than now to check out some old-school Jim Neidhart goodness. A real battering ram in his prime, the 'Anvil' was the power man in this match and complemented the technical savvy of Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty brilliantly.

Look out for a mighty shoulder block from Neidhart to ol' HBK towards the end. What a bump that was.

The Foundation and The Rockers would have other notable matches (including one that, whilst taped, wasn't used due to the ring ropes breaking) during their respective runs. This is one of the choice efforts, and it shows why Bret broke out on his own a year or so later as a singles star. He was more than ready.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.