5 Times A Feud With Kane Was The Kiss Of Death For WWE Champions

Long-standing stalwart he may be, hit box office smash he is not!

Before the pitchforks come out in force, it's important to note that Glenn 'Kane' Jacobs is one of the longest-running acts on WWE television for a reason. Pro wrestling moves quicker than it ever has before in 2015, and it's fair to say that the average attention span of each viewer probably isn't quite as high as it was in the mid-90's, just as an example. People expect things to come thick and heavy, and they want it all now - waiting is fast becoming a trait lost to the sands of time, which only makes it all the more remarkable that the Kane character has managed to stay relevant with viewers. Even in 2015, young children are watching Kane on WWE programming, never once thinking the guy is old hat, that's something to be admired. It's a testament to the skills of Jacobs that a persona originally devised to be little more than a short-term distraction for The Undertaker could feasibly outlast The Deadman as an on-screen character. It's certainly true that Kane has outlasted Undertaker as a full-time member of the roster, which is an incredible thought. Even with all that success, the years of toil and change, Kane remains relevant, but that doesn't mean the character has always been top of the food chain. Indeed, Kane has been World Champion on a few occasions, but he hasn't really been portrayed as the focal point of the promotion. Going further, the guy - despite his obvious positive points - hasn't shown himself to be a smash hit when the ratings come in. The most recent example of this is with Seth Rollins, and listed here are 5 major feuds during which WWE Champions have suffered when programmed opposite the man once known as the 'Big Red Machine'.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.