5 Times WWE's Stage Was Destroyed

2. Kurt Angle Puts Shane McMahon Through Glass At King Of The Ring

Braun Strowman Bobby Lashley

This moment showed that stage breaks don’t need to be spectacular scenes involving huge screens to be memorable. Sometimes, two glass panes and an outrageous display of toughness can get the job done.

Kurt Angle's first attempt at suplexing Shane McMahon through one pane of glass ends up with Vince’s son landing on his head, creating a truly sickening thud sound that makes this writer wince every time he hears it. The second try did break the glass, but cut Shane's whole body to ribbons in the process.

That would've been enough for most men, but Angle and McMahon were determined to go through another glass fixture. After two failed attempts to break the second pane using a suplex, the gold medalist just resorted to throwing his opponent through head first, leaving Shane McMahon a bloodied mess on the arena floor.

It was later revealed that the reason why the glass struggled to break was due to it being reinforced so it didn't smash when the pyro went off.

The mistake meant this moment lacked the smoothness of similar spots, and you certainly couldn’t say it was well crafted. Still, it made it onto this list for the sheer brutality that was exhibited. Shane’s blood-soaked body laid out in the aftermath will be an image remembered for a long time.

McMahon's resolve and bravery to not only continue when the spot was going wrong, but to also finish the match afterwards, was unbelievable.


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