5 Ups & 1 Down From AEW Rampage (April 1)


1. Maybe A Little Too Long?

Malakai Black Fuego Del Sol

Only one (minor) complaint this week.

House Of Black should've squashed the living sh*t out of Fuego Del Sol and Dark Order. They did just that to Del Sol and Bear Country a few weeks back, and this six-man needed to be more of the same. Nobody, other than Penta and pals, should be matching Malakai and mates when they're a united force.

The match wasn't terrible or anything, but christ knows what AEW are trying to achieve by giving Fuego and the Order this much. They're jobbers one minute, then competitive with heel factions the next, and Tony Khan has to be careful that his dedication to all-action six man tags doesn't interrupt House Of Black's push.

Black, Buddy Matthews and Brody King should've taken complete control once Del Sol screwed up the babyface game plan by tagging himself in. Instead, things went a different direction and erupted into a big pier-six brawl outside the ring.

That was kinda unnecessary.

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AEW Rampage
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