5 Ups & 1 Down From AEW Rampage (April 1)

4. “Be Mad”

Sammy Guevara Tay Conti Dan Lambert Be Mad

Nobody should have any problems with Sammy Guevara and Tay Conti wrecking Dan Lambert's car, especially if the angle leads to some mixed tag matches and/or Sammy vs. Scorpio Sky for the TNT Title. That's surely AEW's long-term plan, and this sledgehammer-fest worked well.

Guevara and Conti vs. Scorpio and Paige VanZant sounds like a gas too. That, if formatted correctly, could help Paige settle into the AEW landscape. She has bags of confidence, and is even getting some lines during promos, but nothing matters more to All Elite's fanbase than killing it in-ring.

Props for this segment and for the fact that it didn't gobble up too much airtime.

Special mention must go to Chris Jericho on commentary for the line: "Be mad?! I'd be furious!". That was top quality banter; Jericho is starting to come into his own behind the desk as a colour man. He's picking his spots a little better than before, and this proves it.

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AEW Rampage
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