5 Ups & 1 Down From This Week's Impact Wrestling (Oct 11)

4. In To The Undead Realm

Allie and Su Yung's rivalry seems to be coming to an end on Sunday, with an interesting addition being made this week. That addition? Father James Mitchell. The legendary manager of Abyss told Allie that she would need to head to the Undead Realm. He was quite calm for someone who had a hatchet-wielding figure walking up to him.

The rivalry, for the most part, has been intense but tedious at the same time, with the same sort of thing happening week after week: some form of singles or tag team match involving Allie, Su, Kiera Hogan, and the Undead Maid of Honor, followed by a fight and Yung attempting to put either of her opponents in a coffin. It was all getting a bit repetitive and made for passable viewing.

However, it's certainly stepped up a gear here with such a simple angle. The match now seems genuinely interesting as opposed to just being yet another tie between the two knockouts involved.

It's also important to note that Allie's character has came on leaps and bounds, despite the repetitiveness. She's gone from being all bubbly and shy to waving about bladed weapons, doing whatever it takes to save her friend. That's what friendship is all about, right?


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.