5 Ups & 2 Downs From AEW Rampage (Feb 11)


2. Waste Of A Squash?

Hook Blake

Let's get these 'Downs' out of the way ASAP.

Hook squashing QT Marshall's "top student" was a waste of TV time. It didn't add much to the broadcast at all, and was actually one of the most skippable Hook segments to date. There's nothing wrong with Taz's lad hammering foes, but he's in dire need of someone who's threatening now.

Blake didn't offer anything in the match - he was barely even allowed to lay a finger on Hook without being smashed. Meanwhile, QT stood around ringside acting all shocked. Yes, he's a heel, and heels can be dumb, but...has he been living under a rock over the past few months?

Rampage doesn't need four matches weekly. It really doesn't, and that's another reason why this is on the wrong side of the 'Ups'/'Downs' divide. If you're gonna skim through one bout from Friday's show, make it Hook demolishing Marshall's man.

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