5 Ups & 2 Downs From AEW Rampage (Feb 11)


5. That Solid Opening Tag

The Young Bucks

The Young Bucks can work tag openers like this in their sleep.

AEW got straight into the action by putting Matt and Nick Jackson up against Roppongi Vice, and that immediate approach was a welcome one. Yes, the bout had those usual no-selling bits from the Bucks, but that's expected by now and is their established style.

Is it annoying? Yeah. Will they ever stop doing it? No. That wasn't enough to outright destroy the bout's entertainment value anyway; people were really into exchanges between both brothers and Trent Beretta, which is promising for Trent, and Rocky Romero more than held his own.

The Bucks had also hyped this one well with a decent promo on Dynamite, so some would've enjoyed seeing it kick things off come Rampage. Perhaps best of all, AEW used the post-match celebrations as an excuse to book a follow-up angle...

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AEW Rampage
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