5 Ups & 2 Downs From AEW Rampage (Sep 17)

4. That Inventive Finish

The Blade Penta

Plus, that finish. Oh, that finish.

The Blade tied Penta's mask to the middle rope so he and The Butcher could have their wicked way with Fenix and (in theory) become new Tag-Team Champions. In a genius moment, Penta ignored trying to untie the mask and instead unhooked it from his skull and slipped out.

One superkick later and the heels were distracted. That let Fenix score the win, and the crowd popped for the sneaky surprise escape routine. Best of all, Penta kept his face covered with his hands whilst delivering the kick, and then he rolled out so people wouldn't see his mega top secret identity, bro.

Seriously though, this was cool. It's pretty hard to be inventive in today's wrestling scene, so any gems like this should be welcomed with open arms. What a way to give an otherwise stopgap title bout some identity - Lucha Bros are already off to a flyer as champs.

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AEW Rampage
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.