5 Ups & 2 Downs From AEW Rampage (Sep 17)

3. Fuego Del Sol’s Underdog Story

Fuego Del Sol

Fuego Del Sol got squashed like a pancake on the debut edition of Rampage, and rightfully so. He was way down the pecking order compared to Miro, and the TNT Champion needed another dominating squash match win at that point. AEW probs knew they could always come back for more later.

Good news: Del Sol got a rematch, and it was much more competitive.

As discussed during the intro, Miro is on fire right now. Everything he touches clicks, and Fuego is the ideal opponent for him. A flyer like Del Sol makes the champ look even bigger and even stronger, and this main event helped build Miro's unstoppable reign of terror perfectly without making the masked man look like a bitch.

AEW know they've got something with Del Sol. His pre-match promo (Mark Henry has found his niche there, hasn't he?) was full of attitude, and he stole the segment by defiantly vowing he'd never back down from the domineering champion.

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AEW Rampage
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