5 Ups & 2 Downs From This Week's Impact Wrestling (Oct 25)

3. "I Can't Help You"

Allie's journey in to the Undead Realm reached a new high this week as, during a bout between her friend Kiera Hogan and Su Yung, she uttered the words "I can't help you". Out of context, there's not much meaning to that set of words. It came after Su gave a long stare in to the eyes of Allie, proving to have some sort of power over her.

It's an interesting way to have the rivalry between Allie and Su Yung continue. By having Allie go down a darker path, it provides a different avenue that we may never have seen from her otherwise. There were times when she would stand up for herself but nothing of this level where she's being aggressive and beating her opponents up after matches.

If this angle leads to a full-blown Allie heel turn where she joins forces with Su, is there anyone who would say no to that just now? The Allie character we came to know and love became incredibly stale, and Impact had done all they really could with her. This is a perfect next step for her career.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.