5 Ups & 2 Downs From This Week's Impact Wrestling (Oct 25)

4. Tag Champs Squash Victory

Ortiz and Santana are in fact still the World Tag Team Champions, even though the titles haven't been their main focus for months now. Seeing as their rivalry with the OGz appears to be over for the most part though, they can focus on those titles once more.

Their squash match victory over The Heavenly Bodies - no, not Tom Prichard and Jimmy Del Ray - showed us exactly why they're the top tag team in Impact today. The local competitors got in just enough offence to make sure it wasn't just a straight-up mugging but they were never winning of course. LAX finished the enjoyable match with a Street Sweeper.

The only bad thing to note on here is that The OGz apparently have a plan to get their hands on LAX once again. Aren't we finished with this yet? Give another team a shot at the championships. Matt Sydal and Ethan Page have a title match last week so obviously Impact know there's teams other than The OGz to have as challengers. At least the LAX/OGz matches are good.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.