5 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Feb 9 - Results & Review)


2. The Problem With This

Triple H Bron Breakker

Bron Breakker dropped by in a blue suit to ask Triple H for advice on whether he should sign with Raw or SmackDown. It was a throwaway skit designed to get Bron on main roster telly, but it happened on an episode that saw WWE palm off the brand split for Chamber qualifying matches.

In short, both male qualifiers revolved around a Raw championship. On SmackDown.

Surely even WWE's overworked writers see that this kind of stuff squashes the bloody point of pretending any division between the top two major brands is meaningful? It doesn't really matter which brand Breakker inks a deal with, because he'll be able to freely flit between them whenever the roster split is conveniently forgotten.

Bron was tasked with portraying his decision as a potentially life-altering one. The emotional weight of that totally falls flat when the exact same episode of TV reveals that it...isn't. After all, he can just exploit the same loopholes as everyone else anyway.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.