5 Ups & 2 Downs From WWE WrestleMania SmackDown (Mar 31)


5. A Fun All-Action Sprint

Braun Strowman Ricochet

The men's four-way fared a bit better, largely because they were actually given a decent chunk of time to work with and 'cause Chad Gable was out there trading spots with Ricochet. That's a good time regardless of which type of pro wrestling fan you happen to be. Those guys are magic!

Sure, the bout was throwaway setup for another match that's throwaway, but it's always nice to see Rico get a win, and the action was fast-paced/exciting to watch. Hmm, maybe WWE should've just booked this at 'Mania instead of that "Showcase" business.

Food for thought.

There was a world of difference between this and the women's four-way. That's by no means down to the talent - they can only work with what they're given sometimes. Mercifully, for everyone on the men's side, creative allowed 10 mins.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.