5 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Rampage (June 24)


5. Hook Takes Some Licks

Hook The DKC

Rampage had a lot of good stuff to shout about though.

The DKC got a little bit of offence in before Hook took him out. Why's that such a positive? Basically, it's nice to see Hook do some selling for once - he should've moved on from rudimentary squashes by now anyway, and really has to start showing some more vulnerability overall.

Think of this as a mini-tease of what's to come there. Everything these guys did was believable too. Hook's punches, in particular, were the complete opposite of Shane McMahon's rabbit strikes (you know the ones), and the match lasted just long enough to make it seem fairly competitive.

The next step is sticking Hook in there with someone who's just too accomplished for him. AEW have a sweet story on their hands if he hits a road block and has to go back to the drawing board. It was nice to give Hookhausen a week off too.

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AEW Rampage
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