5 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Rampage (Mar 4)

2. Why Didn’t Darby Go For The Pin?!

Darby Allin Sammy Guevara Andrade El Idolo

Speaking of dumb.

Sammy Guevara hit a GTH on Andrade El Idolo towards the end of that otherwise-brilliant opening triple threat. Then, Darby Allin surprised the defending TNT Champ by tossing him out of the ring and pinning Andrade to steal the win. Except he didn't, for some reason.

Instead, Allin went high for the Coffin Drop and gave Guevara necessary time to recover from being sh*tcanned from the ring. Post-Drop, Sammy came back in, stopped Darbs from winning and ended up retaining himself. Meanwhile, a certain Mr. Allin looked sillier than Mark Sterling. Well, almost.

This spot was an illogical blight on the three-way. No, it didn't destroy the match or anything dramatic like that, but it didn't do Darby any favours. Guevara had hit his finisher on El Idolo - the handsome devil was there for the taking.

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AEW Rampage
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