5 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Rampage (Mar 4)

4. Finally, Some Direction!

Hikaru Shida

Jeeeeeeeez, Serena Deeb's five-minute challenges have been dull. They're painful, actually, and this fan has had more than one whinge on how willing AEW seemed to be about dragging them on and on and on and...on. Cheerfully, they tried something fun on this week's Rampage.

Hikaru Shida put a stop to Deeb's reign of terror.

The former AEW Women's Champion rolled out to stop Serena from punishing Leila Grey further after beating her in just over one minute; that's been another problem with the five-minute thing. Nobody ever comes close to that mark, which renders the challenge aspect pointless. That should change now Shida is back.

She can end Serena's domination in these exhibitions by either going the distance (because she can) or beating Deeb in a few minutes herself. Whatever happens, AEW must cease sticking these segments on Rampage. They've been rotten.

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