5 Ups & 3 Downs From IMPACT Wrestling (9 Dec)

3. Patience Tested

Josh Alexander Scott D'Amore
IMPACT Wrestling

There was no reason for Rohit Raju to face Lawrence D. It was great to see the former Larry D back on television, as he looked to be in great shape, and was light on his feet throughout, running the ropes with ease and flying around with body splashes.

When Josh Alexander came out, cleared house, and called out JONAH, though, it wasn't a total surprise. The match, as stated, was completely pointless, so having it interrupted by Josh Alexander, a legitimately intriguing aspect of the current product, was the right call. Josh came across as a killer heel while portraying the underdog babyface.

Scott D'Amore would confront him, not JONAH, as a match between Josh and the former Bronson Reed was made official for Hard To Kill. Scott felt more like Coach D'Amore here, noting how Alexander was like family to him, and how he only wants the best for the ex-World Champion. Then, Josh picked up Raj Singh, downed him with the C4Spike, and left, his carnage strewn around ringside.

A wonderfully simplistic angle that complimented Josh Alexander's work on the mic. He was livid, he looked livid, and he felt livid. All bases were covered to perfection.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.