5 Ups & 3 Downs From Impact Wrestling Bound For Glory 2018

3. Allie Becomes Broken

If you liked 'Broken' Matt Hardy's escapades in Impact before returning to WWE, then the chances are you probably enjoyed this.

This column has regularly criticised the booking of Allie and Su Yung's rivalry for its repetitive tendencies, but everything that happened in the Undead Realm completely changed that. Every little detail helped make it all spectacular and, although not quite on the level of a Deletion-style 'match' (if you'd call it that), it made for some enjoyable entertainment. Plus, Rosemary returned from the dead. A warm welcome back for her.

It doesn't appear to be over though, as Allie seemed to leave the Undead Realm possessed by some sort of spirit. This is something that could go really well for Impact. The Allie character was stale for a long time - she could tell some great stories in the ring and you were able to sympathise with her on many occasions, but she needed something new to get her teeth sank in to. If that means being possessed by evil spirits, then so be it.

Seriously, is this a wrestling show or a horror movie?


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.