5 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (Jan 10)


5. The Miz's Performance

New Day John Morrison The Miz

Take a bow, Mr. Miz.

His flabbergasted reaction to fan boos last week was special, and Miz followed things up on Friday by working a believable story arc that showed how close he is to snapping permanently. First, he owned up to having a "bad day" and apologised to Kofi Kingston for attacking him. Then, when Kofi said he didn't trust Miz's words, things started to change.

Miz's face twisted into a menacing scowl, and he slowly-but-surely started to show his true colours and revert to his heel persona of old. The way he went from remorseful father figure to reality TV show jerk in a matter of minutes was well done; it's unlikely many others in the company could've acted this so well.

During the actual match with Kofi, Miz distracted Big E so John Morrison could attack from the side, and he used the hubbub to capitalise and score a win over Kingston. That's a sh*tty thing to do, but it was a sign that Miz is back where he belongs.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.