5 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (June 9)

1. Charlotte Flair Is Still “Babyface”

Charlotte Flair 2023

There's no defending this.

Sorry, but there isn't. Charlotte Flair has publicly said she doesn't enjoy being babyface, and yet here we are again. Flair's return didn't feel nearly as epic or grandiose as WWE wanted it to either. If anything, it's a sad commentary on the lack of credible challengers Asuka has to work with on SmackDown.

Charlotte rolled out for the first time since losing at WrestleMania and pretty much told Adam Pearce she was getting a shot at Asuka's new Women's Championship. Later, Pearce made that official (because of course he did what Flair told him to do), and the monotonous matchup is on.

Keep in mind this is supposed to be a new dawn for women's wrestling in WWE. The company ditched the Raw/SmackDown title branding in favour of a new look, but then immediately reverted to type by booking a match that's been done, done, done.

Top off that sh*t sandwich with Flair being the least-likeable baby going.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.