5 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (June 9)

3. Main Event Storytelling

The Usos 2023

It's no surprise that The Bloodline stuff dominated Jey's match vs. Theory too. Their headliner was carefully thought out, and felt like a fresh showdown that clicked in-ring. The inclusion of Pretty Deadly, Jimmy Uso, Solo Sikoa and the like helped keep the drama purring along nicely.

WWE has genuinely done such a neat job of prolonging every story beat even when Roman isn't around, and they deserve praise for that. Being able to book around a part-timer so deftly shows how well the promotion has done when it comes to building Reigns' supporting cast up.

Anyone thinking creative would blow things off here needs a reality check. Jimmy smoking Jey with an accidental superkick adds yet another wrinkle to the tale as well, which is fine. Some may argue that the sweet spot for total Bloodline meltdown has passed, but this fan disagrees.

It's coming, but there's no harm in waiting until SummerSlam for the true end.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.