5 Ups & 3 Downs From WWE SmackDown (March 20)

4. Otis Getting Hot

Dolph Ziggler Otis The Miz

Also, nobody on SmackDown does comedy better than Otis.

Apparently, few do tempestuous arse-kickings like Heavy Machinery's finest either. The way he transitioned from loveable buffoon into angry, unstoppable beast when Dolph Ziggler poked his nose in on a tag match with Miz and Morrison was wonderful stuff. Otis has range as a performer.

He needed to show this fire sooner or later, especially when Dolph is rubbing alleged dates with Mandy Rose right in the ham-loving funster's face. This was the right result for everybody involved; Otis and Tucker avoided an unnecessary defeat, the reigning Tag-Team Champions didn't get pinned (again) and the story progressed between Otis, Ziggler and Mandy.

Now, WWE must put Otis and Ziggler in a one-on-one situation and let he who loves Caterpillars chop the tanning oil right off Dolph's chest. Unlike some matches, such as Elias vs. Corbin, Otis vs. Ziggler has that quirky undercard 'Mania quality.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.